Ever notice that your electronics run better after being unplugged for a few minutes? Your body is like that and will run better after YOU unplug!
Sure, it’s the height of the Back to School Rush with calendar planning, getting your volunteers organized, parent meetings, Winter Retreat planning, and trying to squeeze in your OWN vacation (you know, the one you didn’t take during the summer;), but without unplugging for a few hours or days you may find your body spinning like the hourglass of death of your computer.
Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath. I hope that you are taking care of YOU by connecting with your support system (think charging station). You know, the people that aren’t involved in your ministry, but call you friend, love, support and challenge you? Maybe these are college buddies, neighborhood friends or whatever. I’m a HUGE advocate of regular meetings with your Sabbath friends to JUST BE. No agenda, nothing you have to be in charge of, but communing with your Sabbath group will help you recharge and stay grounded.
No matter what stage of live you are currently in (shout out to ALL my single friends), a support system going through similar life experiences will really help. Thanks for reading.
Grace and peace, Rod
Featured image by Julia Caesar via unsplash.com.